Being Here Now
The Art & Practice of Travel Photography

Lalibela, Ethiopia   late September 2017

Photo & Travel Workshop

By Photographers – For Photographers!

Photography "has little to do with the things you see
and everything to do with the way you see them." – Elliott Erwitt

This Workshop & Tour is open to photographers who desire to hone both their skills in developing style and capturing content, all in the ancient environment of Lalibela, Ethiopia and surrounding areas – preferably using Fuji X or Leica M digital cameras. Both of these systems are well suited to the classic image-making activity we will be practicing: “street portraiture” and “street photography” as well as the practice of capturing static objects like buildings and monuments.

We will be traveling during the important Ethiopian Orthodox and Eritrean Orthodox Church holiday of Meskel that commemorates the discovery of the True Cross by Queen Helena (Saint Helena) in the fourth century. Meskel occurs on 17 Meskerem (Ethiopian calendar, September 27 in the Gregorian calendar)

The Details (forthcoming)

Buy experiences instead of things.